The earth's but a point of the world, and a man
Is but the point of the earth's compared center.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Finally Getting Started

I've been intending to get started with this blog for over a year now, but a couple of recent trips out of state resulted in my learning to use a digital camera (the Victorian Barbarian really wants to use a stereo version of the Box of Rosewood, but that is still too expensively out of sight thus far). Combine the new availability of some digital images, the upgrading from dial-up to DSL and subsequent enhancement of my Babbage devices, and of course the ongoing controversies in the Anglican Communion and the current political chaos, and I am at last sufficiently motivated to start posting. Bear with me, as this is going to be an on-the-job training experience. Remember, "The only joy in life is to begin."

1 comment:

Bruce Hodges said...

Congratulations on getting this ball rolling! I wish you much success, unlimited Victoriana, unsurpassed barbarism--and of course, many readers.